Verax Resolution - "Whereas ..." Clauses
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the members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and
particularly the members of the ELCA's 1999 Churchwide Assembly, have
been taught through Called to Common Mission (CCM) paragraph
11 something about "episcopal succession" not contained in
God's word, something not found or implied in the Lutheran Confessions,
something contrary to the intentions of the Lutheran Reformers, something
necessarily false, and something which was known to be false when the
failed Concordat of Agreement was revised to become Called
to Common Mission (CCM), (and)
Called to Common Mission (CCM) requires the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA) to adopt for full communion with the Episcopal
Church an "historic episcopate," which is not of Christ, which
means that Christ alone is not enough for full communion between these
two churches, which is sin, (and)
Called to Common Mission (CCM) requires the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA) to adopt for full communion with the Episcopal
Church an "historic episcopate," which has no biblical foundation,
which means that the ELCA departs from the Lutheran tenet of Scripture
alone, (and)
the Lutheran Reformers, both Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon, rejected
the concept of "episcopal succession" which undergirds the
Anglican "historic episcopate," (and)
the claim that Article 14 of the Apology to the Augsburg Confession
refers to the pattern of "episcopal succession" (cf. Called
to Common Mission (CCM) paragraph 11) is refuted by sound historic
evidence known to at least one of the members of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America's (ELCA) CCM drafting team since 1995, which means
that no Lutheran confessional support exists for the to adopt an "historic
episcopate" as required by CCM for full communion with the Episcopal
Church, (and)
"apostolic" or "episcopal historic succession" is
a "Christian fiction" whose strict enforcement even some Anglicans
consider to be superstition, (and)
Called to Common Mission (CCM) requires the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA) to adopt for full communion with the Episcopal
Church the principles of the Preface to the Episcopal Church's ordination
rites which were established by the English Parliament's 1662 Act of
Uniformity which sought to eradicate all non-episcopalian forms of Christian
expression in England and Wales, which means that the ELCA has adopted
and will share and will administer against its own clergy certain elements
of these principles of religious intolerance, (and)
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) 1999 Churchwide
Assembly was informed through the ELCA's Tucson Resolution that Called
to Common Mission (CCM) would not require the ELCA to become "episcopalian"
in ordination practice and structure (adopt a three-fold order of ministers)
and the Episcopal Church's 2000 National Convention was informed through
its Resolution A041 that the ELCA had already voted to become "episcopalian"
in ordination practice and structure (had adopted an three-fold order
of ministers), which means that neither of these two churches' legislative
bodies voted with the same understanding of the nature and implications
of CCM, (and)
Called to Common Mission (CCM) as a document is full of ambiguous
and deceptive language, half truths, and historical inaccuracies, (and)
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Verax Resolution - "Resolved ..." Clauses
that Called to Common Mission (CCM) is arguably the greatest
act of deception ever cultivated by an ecclesial denomination in the
history of North America, (and)
that _______ (congregation / synod) considers Called to Common Mission
(CCM) to be an unprecedented fraud committed against the membership
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), (and)
that _______ (congregation / synod) memorializes the Church Council
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to begin the process
of changing the name of this church from the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America to the Episcopal Lutheran Church in America to reflect the
reality of the adoption of Called to Common Mission (CCM), (and)
that _______ (congregation / synod) memorializes the next Churchwide
Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the ELCA's
Church Council, and all ELCA Synod Councils to allow any ELCA congregation,
regardless of predecessor church body affiliation, to leave the ELCA
by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present at a single
properly called meeting of the congregation to decide to affiliate with
a faithful Lutheran church body, (and)
that _______ Synod will repay to any congregation of this synod, which
chooses to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) on
grounds of objection to Called to Common Mission (CCM), the full
sum of that congregation's benevolence given to this synod from the
time of the publication of the original Concordat of Agreement
(1991) until the most recent fiscal year, (and)
Resolved that _______ (congregation / synod) requests the Church Council
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to call as soon
as is reasonably possible an extraordinary ELCA Churchwide Assembly
to effect the immediate repeal of Called to Common Mission (CCM)
and of all other changes (constitutional, liturgical, etc.) required
for the implementation of CCM, (and)
that _______ Synod invites any member of this synod who has engaged
in misinformation or deception in order to effect the passage and implementation
of Called to Common Mission (CCM) to resign from this church
and to join the Episcopal Church in the USA, (and)
that _______ Synod Assembly directs its synodical council to withhold
benevolence from the churchwide expression of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA) until CCM and all other associated changes
(constitutional, liturgical, etc) required for the implementation of
CCM have been rescinded, (and)
that _______ Synod will begin the process to establish this synod as
a Lutheran church body independent of the ELCA which all congregations
of this synod are invited to join, (and)
that _______ (congregation / regional church body / national church
body) offers its support to the members and congregations of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) which oppose Called to Common Mission
(CCM) in their endeavours to live in truth and in freedom (eleutheria)
from the conditions and confines which CCM unnecessarily places on them,
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