Releases and Information Bulletins
CCM Verax Information Service For Immediate Release Date: 10 April 2003 Proposed Public Debate
at the 10th Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (July 2003) between
the Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA),
Mark S. Hanson, and CCM Verax Administrator, Pastor Mark D. Menacher,
PhD This communication is from: Pastor Mark D. Menacher,
PhD This communication contains the following:
1. Background Information and Request for Support In September 2001, CCM Verax began its mission to expose the ecumenical "grand deception" in Called to Common Mission (CCM), the full communion agreement between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Episcopal Church, USA. The passage of CCM was knowingly achieved with misleading and false information. This matter has been raised with top leaders in the ELCA. These leaders refuse to address the matter. Meanwhile, international support for CCM Verax is growing, and other Lutheran World leaders renounce the "CCM grand deception." (See CCM Verax website for details.) Since ELCA Presiding Bishop, Mark S. Hanson, is aware of the "grand deception" in CCM but is refusing to respond to the matter, Dr. Mark D. Menacher, CCM Verax Administrator, has challenged Bishop Hanson to a public debate on CCM to take place at the 10th Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in July 2003 in Winnipeg, Canada. This challenge was communicated to Bishop Hanson in a letter from 26 March 2003 (copy below). A public debate in classic Lutheran style would allow Bishop Hanson to explain his failure to respond to this serious matter and to defend his participation in CCM. As administrator of CCM Verax, Dr. Menacher asks for your support so that this debate will occur. At stake is the truth of the gospel and those truths congruent with the gospel upon which the Lutheran Reformation was built and through which it continues to live.
"Dear Bishop Hanson, Re: Public Debate on "Called to Common Mission" at the 10th LWF Assembly In recent ELCA News Service releases (11 and 18 March 2003) you are reported as criticizing US President Bush for not meeting with US religious leaders regarding a war in Iraq. You further accuse the president of severing "himself from moral leaders in the society," of which you consider yourself to be one. Over 18 months ago I wrote you with detailed information regarding the ecumenical "grand deception" in Called to Common Mission (CCM), the "full communion" agreement between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Episcopal Church, USA. Despite your being aware of this "grand deception," confirmed to me by third party copy correspondence, you refuse to answer or to address this very serious matter. Unfortunately, you appear to have one set of morals for President Bush and another set of morals for your leadership of the ELCA (Matthew 7:3-5). It is time for you
to demonstrate whether you follow the one who is "the way and the
truth and the life" (John 14:6) or whether you serve another master
(John 8:44; Matthew 6:24). As a "moral leader" in the church, your first priority and allegiance should be to the truth of Jesus Christ. According to Martin Luther, there is no room for even one lie in the church. Your lack of action regarding the "grand deception" in CCM undermines your claim not only to be a "moral leader" in society but also a Lutheran. Lutherans tell the truth, the whole truth. If your moral capacity should not include a simple desire for the truth, then your position in the ELCA as presiding bishop and as a rostered leader would become untenable. I look forward to your affirmative response. Yours sincerely, Mark D. Menacher,
PhD ** [Deutsche Fassung des Briefes] ** "Sehr geehrter Bischof Hanson, Betr: Öffentliche Debatte über "Called to Common Mission" an der 10. LWB-Versammlung in neulich erschienenen ELCA News Service Meldungen (11. und 18. März 2003) wird berichtet, dass Sie US-Präsidenten Bush kritisiert haben, weil er US-Geistlichen in bezug auf einen Iraq-Krieg nicht getroffen hat. Dem Präsidenten wird weiter vorgeworfen, "sich von den moralischen Leitern der Gesellschaft getrennt zu haben", zu denen Sie sich zählen würden. Vor 18 Monaten schickte
ich Ihnen detaillierte Information über die ökumenische "Großbetrügerei"
in Called to Common Mission (CCM - "Zur gemeinsamen Mission berufen"
), das "volle Gemeinschaft" Übereinkommen zwischen der
Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Amerika (ELKA) und der Episkopalkirche,
USA. Obwohl Sie von dieser "Großbetrügerei" wissen
(mir durch Korrespondenz von einer dritten Person bestätig), verweigern
Sie, darauf zu antworten oder sich mit dieser seriösen Angelegenheit
zu beschäftigen. Leider scheint es, dass Es ist Zeit für Sie zu beweisen, ob Sie dem nachfolgen, der "der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben" (Jn. 14,6) ist, oder ob Sie einem anderen Herrn dienen (Jn. 8,44; Mt. 6,24). Ich wäre sehr
dankbar, wenn Sie als einer der Vizepräsidenten des Lutherischen
Weltbundes (LWB) eine öffentliche Debatte zwischen Ihnen und mir
zum Thema der ökumenischen Als "moralischer Leiter" in der Kirche sollte Ihre erste Priorität und Pflichttreue die Wahrheit Jesu Christi sein. Nach Martin Luther gibt es in der Kirche keinen Platz für eine einzige Lüge. Ihr Mangel an Aktion in bezug auf die "Großbetrügerei" in CCM untergräbt Ihre Behauptung, nicht nur ein "moralischer Leiter" in der Gesellschaft sondern auch Lutheraner zu sein. Lutheraner sprechen die Wahrheit, die ganze Wahrheit. Wenn Ihr moralisches Vermögen einen einfachen Wunsch auf die Wahrheit nicht enthalten sollte, dann würde Ihre Position in der ELKA als Leitender Bischof und als Pfarrer leider unhaltbar werden. Auf eine affirmative Antwort hoffe ich. Hochachtungsvoll, Mark D. Menacher (Dr.)
Please contact the persons listed below to communicate your support for the proposed Menacher - Hanson debate. Please keep copies of your correspondence. If possible, also send a copy of your correspondence to CCM Verax. Dr. Ishmael Noko Dr. h.c. Christian
Krause Pastor Mark D. Menacher 4. A Resolution to Debate WHEREAS, WHEREAS, RESOLVED, [Please send copies
of resolutions supporting the proposed debate to the persons listed under
(3) above.] |
Mark D. Menacher, PhD, CCM Verax, 13823 Olive Grove Place , Poway, CA 92064 (USA) |